Medallion Revitalization
In the summer of 2022, after years of fundraising and building local support, the Starr-Gennett Foundation commissioned artist Wilson Tile to begin a revitalization of the Walk of Fame Medallions.
The original design of the Walk of Fame featured the medallions being level with the surrounding sidewalk which led to structural issues with water pooling on and below the slabs. Additionally, the original grout that was used for the medallions began to crumble after years of brutal Midwest summers and winters.
The Foundation along with Wilson Tile developed a new plan to revitalize the Medallions along with preventing the degradation of the tiles in the future.
First, Wilson Tile selected a much more robust grout that would be able to tolerate the temperature extremes along with heavy snows and layers of ice in the winter and high humidity and torrential downpours in the summer.
Secondly, working with local contractor Smarrelli General Contractor, Inc., the Starr-Gennett Foundation developed a plan to anchor the repaired medallions to raised cement bases. There were two substantial benefits to using the cement bases. First, by raising the Medallions off the ground, water would not be allowed to pool under the finished tile pieces. Secondly, by being angled, any precipitation wouldn’t pool on top of the tiles and grout.
After weeks of work by Wilson Tile, Smarrelli General Contractor, Inc., the Richmond Parks Department and countless others, the tiles were completed and featured at the 2022 Walk of Fame Celebration.
Revitalization Process
Step 1
The grout holding the medallions to the sidewalk was removed.
Step 2
The medallions (with base) weigh over 200 lbs. A forklift was used to pull the medallions from the sidewalk.
Step 3
Wilson Tile began the cleaning process of the concrete.
Step 4
Wilson Tile began replacing and placing precise cut pieces of tile to illustrate the recording artists.
Step 5
Smarrelli General Contractors, Inc. began building the forms to pour the cement for the bases.
Step 6
Concrete was added to the bases to begin forming the bases.
Step 7
The forms were removed and the concrete bases were given time to cure.
Step 8
The bases were sanded and prepped for the installation of the new medallions.
Step 9
The completed medallions were added to the completed bases.